Pearla is a two year old American Bulldog who is very athletic and friendly. She has a variety of food allergies that is monitored by her parents. We suspect she has airborne allergies but testing has never been done to conclude this. This blog was created to establish events in chronological order while she fights this horrible staph infection (MRSA). A brief history of her other allergy related problems are also listed here.



Pearla typically runs into problems when the Spring and Summer roll around. She usually breaks out in hives on her back, belly and private areas. This usually only happens when we go hiking in the woods or when she halls ass in the tall farm grass!

On April 20, 2009 she developed a small hive on the back of her neck. The hives never seem to bother her at all, but this particular one must have itched real bad. She reached up behind her head with her back leg and gave it a couple good whacks. (It must have felt real good) It bled, but we just cleaned it up with some tissue paper and water and went about our normal day. Pearla repeated the same process multiple times and we ended up with an infection on her neck.

The picture below is what it looked like before I took her to the VET. It is recommended to cut the hair around the hive so moisture does not linger if it starts to look bad. I did just that but the doctors decided to shave a larger area for ultimate exposure to the air.

After visiting the VET we came home and this is what it looked like.

The VET prescribed 960mg of Ditrim and a week later it looked like this:

A nice layer of virgin skin after the scab had fallen off. We were also given a medicated shampoo that we use from time to time called Benzoyl Plus.

The entire process from the very first sign of infection to the end of the healing period was about 4 weeks. Her hair took about 3 months after that to completely grow back.